This Just In

Elevate Your Routine With Our Lastest Editions

  • New! Skin Barrier Balm

    Glow By Day, Repair By Night

  • NewSkin Barrier Balm

    Skin Barrier Balm

    multi-active solid sérum
  • New Shade: Bardot

    Tinted Lip Oil

    Hydrating Sheer Color
  • NEW | $70 ValueLe Bardot Set

    Le Bardot Set

    Limited Edition
  • $65 ValueA compact named "Molten Glow" by Jouer Cosmetics, featuring a sparkling gold lid and slightly open to unveil a luxurious highlighter, sits beside a Petit Kabuki Brush with dense brown bristles. Together, they promise to deliver a luminous glow against the beige background.

    Molten Glow

    Face & Body Highlighter

Jouer (jhoo-ay) means “to play” in French. To us it means serious skincare and makeup for those who think beauty should be playful.